Sunday, September 30, 2012

Baked Elephant Ears That Turned Into Fritters

My friends and I are total goofballs. We decided to throw a party for Elephant Appreciation Day.

And, yes, I DID make those myself.

We learned much about elephants during the party. Did you know elephants bury their dead herd mates? And they mourn them.
Basically, elephants are sweethearts.

Anyway, I was going to make baked elephant ears (funnel cakes) for the party, and I found a decent looking recipe online.

These are not going to be elephant ears. These will be what I decided to call imitation fritters. They will be delicious nonetheless, but not elephant ears.

I decided to do baked elephant ears because I don't own a deep fryer (who does!?!).

Here's what you'll need;
1 package yeast
1/4 cup warm water
4 cups flour
1 tsps salt
1 cup butter (2 sticks)
1 cup sour cream
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1 tsps vanilla
1 cups sugar
1 tsps cinnamon

First thing you want to do is get yourself a big ol' bowl. Get the yeast and water, and dissolve the yeast in water.

This weirded me out a little bit. The yeast kind of sticks to the bottom of the bowl, but you just have to keep stirring with a spoon until it's completely blended with the water.

This was my first time working with yeast, so I was learning as I went.

Once the yeast is dissolved, add in the flour, salt, butter, sour cream, eggs, and vanilla.

By the way, here are some, in my opinion, slightly beaten eggs. I wondered if you really needed to slightly beat them or if this website was just messing with me.

And there is the hodge-podge of ingredients thus far.

Beat that until smooth. It'll probably take a while.

Cover that up with a damp paper towel and leave it in the fridge for two hours.


I was so bored. Thankfully my friends showed up and we did dumb teenager things while we waited.

*2 hours later*

Okay. Get out that dough. Now mix the sugar and cinnamon in a separate bowl.

The recipe calls for 2 cups of sugar, but currently I have a Ziploc bag of sugar and cinnamon in my cabinet that may very well never find a use. You will not need 2 cups of sugar. I advise you use one.

Once that is mixed up, start sprinkling it all over your dough. Don't even bother with a whisk or electric mixer or anything along the lines of that.


So do that until you think you have enough in there. I would use about half of it.

The recipe then called for me to use a rolling pin to smooth out the dough on a board. 

Well I may have somehow messed something up in the process of making the dough, because after about two seconds it was obvious that that wasn't going to happen.

I've learned that sometimes in cooking you just have to throw your hands up and say, "Whatevs."

This was one of those times.

So this is what I did instead.

I sprayed cooking spray in a pan and just started ripping the dough into junks and placing it on there.

Then I sprinkled a bunch of the cinnamon-sugar on the dough.

I popped it in the oven at 350 for roughly 20 minutes (you can tell if it's done by if it's mushy or not).

It was delicious. It tasted like a sweet bread. I loved it, personally. It was a little time consuming, but well worth it the waiting.

If you try this out or any of the other recipes I have done, let me know in the comments how it worked out :)

Oh, and thanks for checking out my blog. You should see the faces I make when I see how many page views I have :D! (And the number isn't big at all either.)

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