Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Little About Myself

Hi there!

I would like to begin by giving you a big old "thank you" for popping over to my blog, because I know there are a million other like it on the Internet. It means bunches to me :)

Next I want to introduce myself. My name is Mackenzie, I am 13 (and 3/4) years old, I live in Ohio, I have two little brothers (10 and 7), who often act as my little taste testers, and I love to bake.

I love to make things people enjoy. It isn't always baking, but my favorite feeling in the world is when people compliment my cookies or ask for my pie recipe, because it means that they loved it and want more. And food is the only present you can't re-gift ;). Seeing the joy on peoples faces when they bite into a cake I made, it makes all the accidental finger slices, all the muffin pan burns, and especially all the mess, worth it.

My mom suggested I start this blog because I'm pretty much already doing it on social networking sites. I constantly post pictures of my baking creations to Facebook, and even have a photo album dedicated to baking. I also love to take pictures :) This sounded really fun, and it gives me one more excuse to buy more baking ingredients ;)

I plan to hopefully do one baking adventure a week, and to get most of my recipes from Pinterest. And yes, I will be posting recipes even if they don't work out as planned, because that's half the fun of it! Plus, then I can give tips on what NOT to do based on my failure.

I plan to start this weekend, and this is my first blog, so please bear with me as I try to maneuver my way through here and figure this out as I go along :)

Thank you again!!


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